The KlimaTicket Ö really offers something to everyone – namely everything: All public transport in Austria with a single ticket. Simple and inexpensive. A valuable contribution to the climate of our planet.

What is
KlimaTicket Ö?

The KlimaTicket Ö allows you to use all scheduled services (public and private rail, city and public transport) in a specific area for a year: regional, cross-regional and nationwide. It cannot be used on touristic offers like Waldviertelbahn, Wachaubahn, Schneeberbahn, Schafbergbahn, etc.

As an additional offer to the KlimaTicket Ö, there is also the possibility to buy regional KlimaTickets. The responsibility for the implementation and design of regional KlimaTickets lies with the respective federal state.

The KlimaTicket Ö is more than just your ticket for all public transport. It is also the ticket with which we aim to reach the Paris climate goals together. Public transport is the climate-friendly alternative to motorized individual transport.

The more you participate, the better it is for the climate. That is why the KlimaTicket Ö is uncomplicated and affordable.

More info

In addition to the KlimaTicket Ö, public transport is being bolstered by many other measures: Modernization and continuous expansion to ensure climate-friendly public transport.

In addition to the further expansion of major transport routes, the government program has allocated billions in funds for the further development of local and regional transport, especially in conurbations, and stations are being expanded into "mobility hubs". The Federal
Government is investing in a progressively more dense and comfortable public transport service offering in local, regional and long-distance transport.

With the inexpensive KlimaTicket Ö, all those who commute or travel in Austria can benefit from these investments in the climate-friendly future of the country.

How much does KlimaTicket Ö

The KlimaTicket Ö costs € 1.179,30.

Travellers aged 25 or younger, or 65 and older and disabled travellers pay € 884,20.

Ticket category
Youth / Senior/ Special
KlimaTicket Ö
€ 1.179,30
€ 884,20
KlimaTicket Ö Family
€ 1.297,80
€ 1.002,70

The KlimaTicket Ö is valid for a whole year from a date oft he purchaser’s choice and can be purchased a maximum of two months in advance.

Railway companies also offer special packages for seat reservations or first class upgrades.

Where is the KlimaTicket Ö on sale?

You can purchase KlimaTicket Ö online.
Or directly at the service centres of all distribution partners. To purchase the KlimaTicket Ö at a service centre you need the following documents:
Please note that when purchasing online, the earliest possible start of validity of your KlimaTicket Ö is 15 days after purchase. When purchasing at a service centre, this deadline does not apply and the validity start date can already be the purchase date. In both cases, however, the KlimaTicket Ö can be purchased a maximum of one month in advance.

Who gets the free KlimaTicket Ö 18?

Note: Various measures are currently being negotiated to reduce the budget deficit. These include the fact that the KlimaTicket will no longer be free for 18-year-olds in the future. The next federal government will decide at what price 18-year-olds will be able to buy a KlimaTicket and when the change will come into force. This website will be updated as soon as further information is available.

From July 1, 2024, young adults in Austria will be entitled to a free KlimaTicket Ö on the occasion of their 18th birthday. Anyone who has celebrated or will celebrate their 18th birthday from 1.1.2024 and is resident in Austria is eligible. Eligible persons have three years from their birthday to redeem their KlimaTicket Ö 18 once. The start of validity of the KlimaTicket Ö 18 can therefore be the day of the 18th birthday at the earliest and the day before the 21st birthday at the latest. The maximum advance booking period of one month applies for the issue.

The KlimaTicket Ö 18 is not issued automatically and can only be obtained from the KlimaTicket Ö sales and service points. You can find an overview of our sales and service points here.

The KlimaTicket Ö 18 can only be issued in person by those entitled to it. The following documents are required for the issue and must be presented at the sales and service points:

  • Official photo ID: passport, identity card, e-card, etc.
  • Current confirmation of residence in Austria (not older than 6 months)
  • photo


Without an official photo ID and confirmation of registration, your ticket will not be issued.

For existing season tickets (e.g. free travel for pupils and apprentices), the respective cancellation regulations of the issuing authorities apply. These do not change in connection with the KlimaTicket Ö 18 and there is no extraordinary right of termination when a KlimaTicket Ö 18 is issued. 

How do I use the digital KlimaTicket Ö?

The process how to add the KlimaTicket Ö in the apps of ÖBB, WESTBahn, Wiener Linien, Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe and Verkehrsverbund Tirol partners can differ slightly. In the ÖBB app, you have to create a customer account or log in to your existing customer account and the KlimaTicket Ö is stored and displayable under “My account”. In the apps of the WESTbahn, Wiener Linien, Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe and Verkehrsverbund Tirol it is necessary to enter your KlimaTicket Ö card number, your date of birth and the postal code so that your KlimaTicket Ö is subsequently added to your customer account.

Like the physical ticket, the digitally displayable ticket is non-transferable and only valid in conjunction with an official photo ID or the e-card with photo. If the ticket is blocked or canceled, digital display of the ticket is no longer possible.

How and when can I renew my Klimaticket Ö?

Your current customer data is particularly important so that we can provide you reliably with the notice of your renewal of the KlimaTicket Ö. Therefore, please notify us of any data changes immediately using the contact form on, in person at a service point or online independently in your customer account.
Two months before your KlimaTicket Ö expires, we will send you an invitation to renew your ticket by letter. The procedure for renewing your KlimaTicket Ö depends on the payment method you chose when purchasing it:

SEPA direct debit mandate

If you bought the previous ticket by SEPA direct debit mandate, you can relax. The SEPA mandate remains in place and we will debit the ticket fee for the new KlimaTicket Ö as usual.

One-time payment
If you bought the previous ticket by one-time payment, simply pay for your new KlimaTicket Ö by the end of the payment date in your KlimaTicket Ö renewal letter using the payment slip, online in your customer account under "My cards" and "Renew card" or at our service points.

As soon as we have received your payment or the objection period has expired, you will receive a booking confirmation and – if requested – the invoice by e-mail. If the payment is made on time, we will send you your new KlimaTicket Ö in time before it starts to be valid.
If you want to change your payment method for your new KlimaTicket Ö, you can read more about it in our FAQs.

Where is the KlimaTicket Ö NOT valid?

The KlimaTicket has made a major contribution to sustainable, simple and affordable mobility. Unfortunately, there are regional exceptions where your KlimaTicket is not currently accepted. So that you can quickly get an overview, we have created this map for you. With one click, everything at your fingertips.

Which passenger rights apply to the KlimaTicket Ö?

In the event of train cancellations or delays, KlimaTicket Ö customers may be entitled to compensation in accordance with EU Regulation No. 1371/2007, the Railway Transportation and Passenger Rights Act as well as the General Terms and Conditions for the purchase of the KlimaTicket Ö.

Holders of a valid Ticket are entitled to compensation if the railway companies used by them, except for city traffic and non-networked side-trains, repeatedly suffer delays or cancellations during the validity period of the Ticket.

Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights (apf)

If you do not agree with the decision of a transport company or One Mobility Ticketing GmbH regarding your compensation claim, you can contact the free and independent arbitration and enforcement body. To do so, use the conciliation form at If electronic transmission is not possible, you can send your documents by post to

Agentur für Passagier- und Fahrgastrechte
Bahn, Bus oder Schiff
Linke Wienzeile 4/1/6
1060 Wien

More info

If the punctuality level of a railway company is within one month of the validity of the Ticket is below 93%, then the holder of the Ticket is entitled to compensation once a year after the end of the validity period, amounting to 10% of the basic compensation calculated for one month for the respective railway company. The punctuality level of the individual railway companies is published on their websites.

The basic compensation shall be at least the ticket price less the price shares for carriage by road, in urban and non-networked side trains. The maximum annual compensation amount is 10% of the basic compensation. Refunds below four euros may be excluded from payment.

The handling of any claims for compensation shall be the responsibility of the railway companies concerned, and the arrangements for payment of the compensation shall therefore be laid down in the conditions of carriage of the railway companies concerned.

At present, registration for passenger compensation is only possible with the ÖBB. Please note that registration for the compensation procedure is only possible if you have given your consent to the transfer of data for passenger compensation. You can give your consent directly in your KlimaTicket Ö customer account under "My Tickets" by marking the checkbox. Once the data transfer regulations have been activated, a registration can be made under

Frequently asked questions

KlimaTicket Ö in general

Why did the KlimaTicket Ö become more expensive since 01.01.2025?

The price increase based on the change in the consumer price index of Statistics Austria is set out in the KlimaTicket law and will be implemented annually from 2025. This also takes into account the rising costs of the participating transport companies. The future pricing of regional KlimaTickets in the federal states is the responsibility of the (respective) transport associations. You can find out whether and to what extent there will be a price increase from the respective transport association.

Who can travel with the KlimaTicket Ö Family?

In combination with the KlimaTicket Ö Classic, KlimaTicket Ö Jugend, KlimaTicket Ö Senior and the KlimaTicket Ö Spezial, you can take up to four children between the ages of six and 15 with you for a one-time family addition of € 118,50 per year. If several ticket holders travel together with up to four children, a KlimaTicket Ö with family addition is valid. These children do not have to be related to you, they do not have to be declared at the time of purchase and they also do not have to be the identical children on every trip. Therefore, a family certificate is not required. The children do not receive their own card and therefore, if they are traveling alone, they need a valid ticket from the particular transport company. As before, children from 0 to 5 years of age travel free of charge - in accordance with the regulations of the relevant transport company. Co-travelers over 15 years of age require their own travel authorization (KlimaTicket, one-way ticket, ...).

For which time period can the youth reduction be obtained at age 26?

The decisive factor is the age one day before the start of validity of the ticket. For example, if you turn 26 years old on 23 March 2022, then you can purchase a ticket with a start of validity on or before 22 March 2022 at the reduced price.

What are the requirements for the KlimaTicket Spezial?

The KlimaTicket Ö Spezial is available to: People with disabilities, if their Austrian Disability Pass contains a degree of disability of at least 70% or otherwise states that the holder of the pass can claim the reduced fare according to the Federal Disability Act, or Persons with a valid Veteran's Disability ID. Persons with Victim ID cards under the Victims Welfare Act and severely injured persons according to the Austrian Heeresversorgungsgesetz. Upon presentation of the authorization document, one assistance person and/ or one assistance dog will be transported free of charge, provided that the person to be accompanied is in possession of a valid ticket.

Can the employer provide the employee with the KlimaTicket Ö tax-free as a "job ticket"?

The employer can provide the employee with the KlimaTicket Ö tax-free or reimburse the corresponding costs tax-free. For further information, please refer to the homepage of the responsible Federal Ministry of Finance or the homepage of the Chamber of Commerce.
If an invoice is to be issued to a company instead of the employee, such a request should be made by the employee to the KlimaTicket customer service and not by the company.

How can the KlimaTicket be paid for?

The KlimaTicket can be paid for in monthly instalments (without surcharge) or the full amount (currently € 1.095 without discount or € 821 with discount) can be paid at the time of purchase. In the case of monthly debit, the first 2 monthly instalments must be paid immediately at the time of ordering. The balance is debited from the third month of validity by means of a SEPA direct debit in 10 equal monthly instalments within the first five working days of each calendar month.

KlimaTicket Ö 18
Who is entitled to the free KlimaTicket Ö 18?
All persons who were born on or after 1.1.2006 and have their registered residence in Austria at the time of issue can have the free KlimaTicket Ö 18 issued once from their 18th birthday until one day before their 21st birthday.
Where is the KlimaTicket Ö 18 issued?

The KlimaTicket Ö 18 can only be issued by authorised sales and service points of the KlimaTicket Ö. The sales and service partners are listed on

When can the KlimaTicket Ö 18 be issued?
The start of validity of the free KlimaTicket Ö 18 can be between the 18th birthday and one day before the 21st birthday. Thus, from the 18th birthday, entitled persons have three years to make use of a one-off issuance of the free KlimaTicket Ö 18. This gives eligible persons the opportunity to flexibly adjust the use according to their life circumstances (duration of school attendance, military/civil and voluntary service, expiry of existing time cards, etc.). Just like the regular KlimaTicket Ö, the application is possible up to a maximum of one month before the desired start of validity.
How can I have the KlimaTicket 18 issued?
The free KlimaTicket Ö for 18-year-olds is not issued automatically. The ticket must be applied for personally by the entitled person at a participating sales and service partner. An official photo ID, a photo and confirmation of registration (not older than 6 months) are required for the issuance.
Why can´t I buy the KlimaTicket Ö 18 online?
In the medium term, the aim is to distribute the KlimaTicket Ö 18 purely digitally – in line with the target group. For this purpose, however, technical solutions for validating credentials (passport, registration form, etc.) must first be implemented in the sales system.
Can I cancel my existing season tickets (incl. school and apprenticeship) or KlimaTicket Ö Austrian Armed Forces / Civil Service / Voluntary Service prematurely and get the free KlimaTicket Ö 18?

No right of termination is provided for the KlimaTicket Ö Austrian Armed Forces/Civil Service/Voluntary Service or other season tickets of transport companies or transport associations, in particular the school or apprenticeship tickets, on the grounds of applying for the free KlimaTicket Ö 18.

Digital ticket

How can I add the KlimaTicket Ö in the app?

The process how to add the KlimaTicket Ö in the different apps of our partners can differ slightly. In the ÖBB app, you have to create a customer account or log in to your existing customer account and the KlimaTicket Ö is stored and displayable under "My account". In the apps of the WESTbahn, Wiener Linien, Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe and Verkehrsverbund Tirol it is necessary to enter your KlimaTicket Ö card number, your date of birth and the postal code so that your KlimaTicket Ö is subsequently added to your customer account.

In which apps can I display the KlimaTicket Ö?

Currently, the digital KlimaTicket Ö can be displayed in the apps of ÖBB, WESTbahn, Wiener Linien, Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe and Verkehrsverbund Tirol. The integration of the KlimaTicket Ö in the apps of other tariff partners is in their control. We are optimistic that the digital display of the KlimaTicket Ö in further apps will follow.

Why is there no wallet solution for the KlimaTicket Ö?
In view of the fact that the KlimaTicket Ö is a cancelable annual ticket, we decided against making the KlimaTicket Ö storable in wallet systems for security reasons and to prevent misuse.
Why can't I choose between plastic card or digital ticket?
In the current implementation of the digital ticket, a selection is not possible. The choice between plastic card or digital ticket requires extensive adjustments in the distribution system, which require a longer implementation period. In the interest of conserving resources, however, we are continuing to work on optimizing the digital KlimaTicket Ö so that we can offer our customers a choice in the future.

Passenger rights

How can I claim compensation according to my rights as a passenger?

In the event of train cancellations or delays, KlimaTicket customers are entitled to compensation in accordance with EU Regulation No 1371/2007, the Railway Transport and Passenger Rights Act and the General Terms and Conditions for the purchase of the Klimaticket Ö. Any due compensation is calculated according to the regulations of the affected transport company. The handling of any claims for compensation shall be the responsibility of the affected transport company itself. In order to claim your compensation from the transport company concerned, we require your consent to the forwarding of your contact and contract data. The submission of such consent is expected to be possible in your customer account from the end of May 2022. Any claims for compensation shall be retained until then.

Agency for Passenger and Passenger Rights (apf)

If you disagree with a transport company's decision on your compensation claim, you can contact the free and independent conciliation and enforcement body. To do so, use the conciliation form at If electronic transmission is not possible, you can send your documents by post to:

Agentur  für Passagier- und Fahrgastrechte
Bahn, Bus oder Schiff
Linke Wienzeile 4/1/6
1060 Vienna

I cancelled my KlimaTicket Ö during the year. Am I still entitled to compensation?
Yes, however, only the full months in which your KlimaTicket Ö was valid will be considered.
I am unable to register with the participating rail companies and I receive the error message: No KlimaTicket can be found for the entered data. What can I do?

In order to be able to assert passenger rights against the participating railway companies, it is necessary that you as the affected party consent to the transfer of your data.
Your consent can be given directly in your KlimaTicket Ö account. Click the arrow in the upper-right corner, and then click My Tickets. You can give your consent at the bottom of the page. Registration with the participating railway companies will then be possible from the next day. If you do not have a KlimaTicket Ö account, please contact KlimaTicket Ö Customer Service at

Renewal and cancellation
How and when can I renew my KlimaTicket?

First of all, we have to consider how the ticket was purchased before.

One-time payment
If the previous ticket was purchased by one-time payment, then until 20 September 2022 simply renew your KlimaTicket Ö online, by payment slip that you received by letter or at our service points. This way, we can guarantee that you can hold your ticket in your hands in time.

SEPA direct debit mandate
If the previous ticket was purchased by SEPA direct debit mandate, then feel very comfortable. The SEPA mandate remains in place and we will debit the ticket fee for the new KlimaTicket Ö as usual. The debit will be made in 12 equal monthly installments within the first five working days of each calendar month. If the ticket is not to be renewed, then a written objection must be made by the deadline stated in the reminder letter, either by mail or by using the contact form at

Once we have received your payment and the renewal has been completed, you will receive the invoice by email.

How can I switch to a monthly payment when renewing the KlimaTicket?

Click on "Renew card" in your customer account under "My cards" and tick "Installment payment" in the booking process. Or buy your new KlimaTicket Ö online at or at any service point. Select the validity start date of your new KlimaTicket Ö in such a way that it continues along with your previous KlimaTicket Ö.

How can I switch to a one-off payment when renewing the KlimaTicket?

Click on "Renew card" in your customer account under "My cards" and tick "One-off payment" in the booking process. Or disagree with the contract renewal within the objection period and buy a new KlimaTicket Ö by one-time payment. Select the validity start date of your new KlimaTicket Ö in such a way that it continues along with your previous KlimaTicket Ö.

How can I cancel my KlimaTicket Ö?

During the period of validity, you can cancel your KlimaTicket Ö from the seventh month of validity without providing reasons. For an effective cancellation, the signed cancellation document and evidential return of the ticket to a service point is required. A cancellation fee of one month's worth will be charged; this is one-twelfth of the purchase price. In the case of SEPA direct debit, the cancellation fee will still be debited. In the case of a one-off payment, the monthly amounts for each month of validity not commenced will be transferred minus the termination fee.

If there are certain reasons, the ticket can be cancelled during the validity period without a cancellation fee. You hand in your KlimaTicket Ö together with the signed cancellation document to a service center within four weeks after the reason for cancellation has arisen. This is

  • in case of moving from Austria to a foreign country by proving the new address abroad
  • in the event of illness over a period of three months or more by means of a medical certificate
  • in the event of unemployment by means of proof of an unemployment certificate
  • in case of your death
How can I cancel my KlimaTicket Ö after expiration?

If you do not want to renew your KlimaTicket Ö after the expiration of the validity period and you bought your KlimaTicket Ö by SEPA mandate, send us your written objection within the objection period in your letter for the renewal of the KlimaTicket Ö by mail to KlimaTicket Kundenservice, Postfach 100, 1020 Vienna or by using the contact form on If you bought it by one-time payment, do not pay in the payment slip.


What happens if I have forgotten my KlimaTicket Ö?

In this case, you are basically travelling without a valid ticket and the regulations of the respective transport company for travelling without a valid ticket apply. This may result in the issuing of an additional fare demand or you have the option of purchasing a standard single ticket, which can be submitted for reimbursement with proof of possession of a KlimaTicket Ö. Please inform yourself about the consequences and the concrete procedure at the respective transport company.

What do I do if my KlimaTicket Ö is stolen or lost?

If you have lost your KlimaTicket Ö, report the loss together with the loss claim immediately to a service center, by phone at 0800 24 00 50 or via contact form so that we can disable your ticket. Subsequently, you will need a replacement ticket. For this you need to report the loss to the proper government agency (e.g. municipal office or magistrate). You can find more information about the proper government agency on this website. Upon presentation of the claim of loss and after payment of the replacement fee in the amount of € 10.- at a service center, a new provisional ticket will be issued to you and a replacement ticket will be ordered, which will be sent to you by postal service.

If your KlimaTicket Ö has been stolen, you will need to file a theft report with the police for a replacement ticket to be issued. Otherwise, the process is the same as in case of loss of the KlimaTicket Ö.

Can I take my bicycle with me for free?

A generally free carry-on option is not yet planned.

The transport of bicycles is handled differently by transport associations and transport companies (e.g. at certain times of day, in certain means of transport, with prior reservation, paid or free of charge).

OperatorKlimaTicket ÖKlimaTicket regional
Kärntner Linienxx
SVVÖBB local trains, Salzburg AG trolleybus, Albus Salzburg Verkehrsbetrieb GmbH, RegionalbusÖBB local trains, Salzburg AG trolleybus, Albus Salzburg Verkehrsbetrieb GmbH, Regionalbus
Verbund LinieGKB and Steiermarkbahn railway lines without restrictions, ÖBB railway lines with restricted travel times
Not on regional bus and city transport
GKB and Steiermarkbahn railway lines without restrictions, ÖBB railway lines with restricted travel times Not on regional bus and city transport
VORUnderground and ÖBB local trains with bicycle symbol within ViennaUnderground and ÖBB local trains with bicycle symbol within Vienna
VVTRegional buses except for individual linesRegional buses except for individual lines

x = no free transport

As of October 2023. Subject to change without notice. No guarantee of completeness.

Can I take my dog with me for free?

Travelling with dogs is handled differently by the various tariff partners and lies within the regulations of the respective company.

OperatorKlimaTicket ÖKlimaTicket regional
Kärntner Linienxx
OÖVVexcept on regional bus and rail transport including the zones of Linz, Wels and Steyr. This does not apply to long-distance rail transport (InterCity-Express, lnterCity, EuroCity, EuroNight, D-Zug, Railjet, Railjet Express, Nightjet and WESTbahn)except on regional bus and rail transport including the zones of Linz, Wels and Steyr. This does not apply to long-distance rail transport (InterCity-Express, lnterCity, EuroCity, EuroNight, D-Zug, Railjet, Railjet Express, Nightjet and WESTbahn)
SVVall regional linesall regional lines
Verbund Liniexx
VORUnderground, WLB, NÖVOG, Raaberbahn, regionalbus Not on ÖBB local trainsUnderground, WLB, NÖVOG, Raaberbahn, regional bus, ÖBB local trains
VVTTrain, bus and tram within the area of the transportation association Not cross-networkTrain, bus and tram within the area of the transportation association Not cross-network

x = no free transport

As of October 2023. Subject to change without notice. No guarantee of completeness.

Can I use Nightjet trains or travel abroad with the KlimaTicket Ö?

Holders of an KlimaTicket Ö can also travel in the Nightjet day coach within Austria without an additional ticket. A place on the day coach, couchette or sleeper cabin can be booked against a fee.

The KlimaTicket Ö is valid for all journeys within Austria. When travelling abroad the KlimaTicket Ö is valid up to the joint station abroad respectively the national border or on permitted routes abroad according to appendix 2 of the GTC of purchase for the KlimaTicket Ö. You need to buy a ticket for the foreign share of your journey.

Why are not all railway companies participating?
The compensation basis table above shows the price shares per railway company. ÖBB holds the largest share of the price and the shares of the other companies are too small, so that reimbursement amounts of less than four euros can be excluded from a payment. This is also regulated in the Passenger Rights Act.
Wouldn't it be more important to invest in improving infrastructure?

The KlimaTicket Ö is only one of the building blocks to strengthen public transport.

The Federal Government is also making massive investments in the expansion and modernization of transport infrastructures. The Federal Government is investing in a progressively more dense and comfortable public transport service offering in both local and regional transport. And long-distance transport as well, of course. In addition to the KlimaTicket Ö and the expansion of the infrastructure, digitization is an essential component in making public transport even more attractive.

The Federal Government is working together with the federal states, transport associations and public transport companies to strengthen tariff- and sales-related innovations and to make them available throughout Austria using synergy potentials between transport networks and transport companies.

Can I cancel my existing travel cards (e.g. annual ticket) prematurely when purchasing a KlimaTicket Ö?
The owners of personalized travel cards (e.g. annual card of a rail network or the OBB) can rest assured. The cancellation of existing travel cards at improved conditions for the purchase of the KlimaTicket has been agreed with all associations or transport companies (discount cards such as the OBB Vorteilscard are not covered by this agreement). For most companies, the time of transition is a specific day of the month (for example, the first or last day of the month). For details of the transfer arrangements, please contact the carrier that issued the annual ticket.
What happens in accompanying scientific research?
In the accompanying research, we would like to know how often and on which routes the ticket is used by different customer groups. Additional surveys are required for this purpose. The accompanying research team infas/Triconsult/Motiontag was commissioned to carry out the task. This team brings specialist experience in mobility studies. In this way, we can reliably learn how the ticket is used and how satisfied the users are with the offer. Participation is voluntary. You can give us your consent to participate as part of the purchase process or at You can find out more about accompanying research at
Why does my international ticket from a domestic departure station cost more than a ticket from a border station?

When booking international tickets in the ÖBB Ticketshop, please note that different prices may result if you enter different departure stations for your destination station abroad. The sales system can only calculate the best price for the relation entered, but not from another departure station on the route. To ensure that you receive the best price, it is therefore necessary to enter other departure stations on the route, in particular the relevant border stations.

Examples of selected international train connections:

  • Germany: no cheaper tickets from the border stations Salzburg, Kufstein and Passau, but possible from domestic departure stations e.g. Linz near Munich from Vienna
  • Italy: cheaper tickets possible from the border stations Brennero (e.g. Verona from Vienna) or Tarvisio (e.g. Venice from Vienna)
  • Slovenia: cheaper tickets possible from the border station Spielfeld (e.g. Ljubljana from Vienna)